Location:Home >> Conference >> Submission
Published:2014-01-07 Hits:6024

Guidelines for Submission

Before you begin, please prepare the following information:

  • Presenting author's contact details:  
  • Email address
  • Full postal address
  • Daytime and evening phone number

Presentation type – please choose from one of the following:

  • Poster presentation (4x8 foot)
  • Oral presentation

Author and co-authors' details:

  • Full first and family name(s)
  • Affiliation details: department, institution / hospital, city, state (if relevant), country

Abstract title - limited to 20 words in Sentence Structure 

Abstract text – limited to 250 words (Please Note: Word count is affected when graphs/tables/images are added)

Abstract topic – abstracts must be allocated to a specific topic for the Scientific Program. Please choose from the list of topics.

Tables – A maximum of 3 tables of up to 10 rows x 10 columns can be included per abstract

Graphs and images – It is important to note that each image included in the abstract is worth 30 words. A maximum of 3 images can be included per abstract.

The maximum file size of each graph/image is 500 KB. The maximum pixel size of the graph/image is 600(w) x 800(h) pixel. You may upload graphs in JPG, GIF or PNG format.

Submission: Please submit your absrtract via email at isoad@isoad.org

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